
Created on Jun 12, 2013 @author: Francois Lanusse <francois.lanusse@cea.fr>

C_1: Instrinsic alignment normalisation constant [(h^2 M_sun Mpc^{-3})^{-1}], see Kirk et al 2010. NB: Bridle & King report different units, but is a typo. c : Speed of light in [km/s] eta_nu: ratio of energy density in neutrinos to energy in photons h0: Hubble constant in [km/s/(h^{-1} Mpc)] rh : Hubble radius in [h^{-1} Mpc] rho_crit: Critical density of Universe in units of [h^2 M_sun Mpc^{-3}]. tcmb : Temperature of the CMB today in [K]